Monday Motivation { fussy cuts, up cycling & pat sloan} | Go-Go Kim

sewing + social media + so much more

Monday, June 19, 2017

Monday Motivation { fussy cuts, up cycling & pat sloan}

Welcome back to Monday Motivation!  This week includes so many exciting things!  Fussy cuts, up cycling and Pat Sloan...OH MY!

I will be a guest on Pat Sloan's American Patchwork and Quilting radio show this afternoon at 4pm EST!  Pat and I will have fun chatting about SEWING ( I know you are all surprised!)!

Pat and I will be chatting about my favorites!  She knows I am a fussy cutting fiend!  I will fussy cut just about anything!  

For many of my blocks for The Splendid Sampler, I added fussy cuts like this incredible paper pieced block!

I have also been slowly adding to my economy blocks with fussy cut centers.  I have a tutorial on how to create a template for these fussy cuts with a video included by visiting here.

For really tiny pieces, this pincushion center was 1/4" finished, I use a stiletto.

I also try to take full advantage of the fabrics in my stash!  Try making a template with parchment paper and try different angles for more variety! 

I have been sewing along with The Fussy Cut Sampler on Instagram and here are my latest blocks.  There are 48 total and we are on number 13 this week! 

Finally, I was going to have this quilt top finished yesterday but the final block went MISSING!  I was counting as I was sewing up to a certain point but then lost track and LOST a block.  Not quite sure what happened to it or where is is hiding.  I will have to send in diggers to find it so I can finish this top!

This is made from 100% what I call thrifted, gifted and found textiles.  It is mostly shirts from the thrift store but friends have sent me garments and i will dive into my own closet to add to the stash if need be.

I have tons of links to sewing projects with up cycled garments that you can find by visiting here

I hope you find inspiration in these tutorials and make some creative time for yourself! 

Please join me for more fabulous tutorials, inspirations and humor that I share everyday on:



Judy H said...

I just purchased yardage in the Disney Villainess line and now deciding on how to best use the fabric. I think a lot of fussy cutting will be in my future!

Pamela said...

While we're embracing creativity in sewing, don't forget to take a break and enjoy a fun game like Funny Shooter 2

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